What we can do for you?
We work together with each family and tailor our services to each child’s particular needs and goals. We determine factors which may be slowing down speech and language development and counsel parents on the next step to be taken (ie., how they can participate in their child’s growth and development). We approach each case individually, and are therefore flexible in our approach to treatments. We offer different methods to stimulate speech and language development, demonstrate speech and language techniques for home use, monitor a child’s progress with various time intervals, and provide traditional therapy with the most current therapeutic techniques.
Note: Treating speech and language difficulties early enough can prevent potential problems with behavior, social interaction, learning and reading.
Special focus on treatment of lisps. We can Help!
We provide a wide range of treatments and services to assist each individual in achieving his or her full potential, including:
- Speech Delay
- Apraxia
- Developmental Delays
- Voice Disorders
- Early Intervention
- Articulation Disorder
- Tongue Thrust/Lisps
- Phonological Disorder
- Stuttering/Dysfluency
- Language Delay/Disorder
- Pragmatic/Social Language
- Cognitive delays
- Expressive and/or Receptive Language
- Auditory Processing
- Myofunctional Disorders/Oral Motor Difficulties
- Accent Reduction
- Tongue thrust/lisps
- Speech Presentation Improvements
- Stuttering/Dysfluency
- Hyperfunctional Voice Disorders